Quarantine Ends, 88 Migrant Workers Who Shelter In Kuta Are Allowed To Return Home

 Quarantine Ends, 88 Migrant Workers Who Shelter In Kuta Are Allowed To Return Home

MANGUPURA – baliprawara.com

Head of Badung Health Office, dr. I Nyoman Gunarta as the Operations Task Force Coordinator of the Covid-19 Accelerarion Task Force of Badung Regency, on Sunday May 3, said that as many as 55 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) who had previously been quarantined at post 1 and 33 PMI at post 2 were allowed to go home. They are allowed to go home because they have met health protocols and underwent a quarantine period of 14 days.

“Today, there are 76 people left in post 2,” he said.

The former Managing Director of Mangusada Hospital added that according to the data until Sunday, post 1 at Kuta area received 11 PMI consisting of 10 women and 1 man. Whereas in post 2, there were 9 PMI, all of them men, so that the total number of PMI who underwent quarantine in post 2 was 85 people. “In total, there were 96 PMI in the two shelter posts,” he explained.

Meanwhile Head of the Badung Surveillance and Immunization Section of Health Office, I Gusti Agung Alit Naya, explained that in an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the Task Force for the Covid-19 Handling Acceleration in Badung Regency carried out a rapid test at the BKIA Abianbase Kuta. It was said on Thursday April 30, a total of 62 people underwent a rapid test, with details of 33 people without symptoms (OTG), 25 people from PMI and 4 people from non-PMI travelers.

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Out of 25 PMI, 15 of them have been tested in rapid test before, and 10 of them are in the first rapid test. “From the overall rapid test results found 4 people showed reactive results consisting of 1 PMI and 3 people without symptoms (OTG),” he said.

Furthermore, it was said that rapid tests were carried out on Saturday at two places, BKIA Abianbase Kuta and one of the hotels in the Kuta area, which belongs to post 2. For rapid tests in the BKIA Kuta with a total of 57 people who underwent rapid test consisting of 42 people without symptoms (OTG), 12 PMI and 3 Non-PMI travellers. From this rapid test found 1 PMI with reactive results.

Furthermore, for the rapid test in the hotel area in Kuta, which included post 2 with a total of 29 people have undergone rapid test, 26 PMI and 3 OTG people. 1 PMI and 2 OTG people showed reactive results. “Furthermore, all who showed reactive results were followed up by the Bali Provincial Task Force for further handling,” said Agung Alit Naya, who is also the Coordinator of Prevention in the Health Office Task Force.
(MBP / r)


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