Bali Immigration Deported Kristen Antoinette Gray

 Bali Immigration Deported Kristen Antoinette Gray


An American citizen, Kristen Antoinette Gray, subjected to deportation as referred to in article 75 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 letter f of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. This deportation will be carried out as soon as possible while waiting for the flight schedule.

As previously known, viral news about a foreigner tweet on the @kristentootie twitter account on January 17, 2021 about an invitation for foreigners to move to Bali during the corona pandemic was immediately responded to by the Bali Immigration. In which, in her tweet, she stated that she could make it easier to enter Bali through a recommended visa agent, and offered a cost of living in Bali which was cheap, comfortable and friendly for LGBTQF.

Apart from Twitter, the information is also published in the ebook at a price of USD30 and followed by a consultation for USD50 for 45 minutes. This has become a trending topic on social media and mainstream media on January 17 and 18, 2021.

Related to this, the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights took steps to check the incoming data of foreigners on behalf of Kristen Antoinette Gray who entered Indonesian territory on January 21, 2020 at 23:04:54 Central Indonesia Time through I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. Furthermore, Kristen Antoinette Gray extended her residence permit at the TPI Denpasar Class I Immigration Office on December 22, 2020 which is valid until January 24, 2021.

Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk said, after checking by the Immigration Officer, Kristen Antoinette Gray sponsor, whose initials was IGW was found in the Ubud area and carried out a field check on January 18, 2021. On January 19, 2021, the Immigration then called through Kristian Antoinette Gray sponsor to attend the TPI Denpasar Class I Immigration Office for further checks.

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“The @kristentootie tweet that inviting foreigners to move to Bali during the pandemic certainly contradicts the circular letter of the head of the Covid-19 handling task force Number 2 of 2021 concerning international travel health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. As well as the Circular of the Director General of Immigration Number: IMI-0103.GR.01.01 of.2021 concerning the Temporary Restriction of the Entry of Foreigners to Indonesian Territories during the Covid-19 Pandemic,” said Jamaruli during a press statement, Tuesday (January 19).

From the results of the examination conducted by the TPI Denpasar Class I Immigration Office, it is suspected that the foreigner has disseminated information which is considered to be disturbing to the public. Such as Bali Province provides comfort and do not mind LGBT people, and easy access to Indonesian territory during the pandemic. It is reasonable to suspect that she violates Article 75 paragraph 1 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

This article reads Immigration officials have the authority to carry out immigration administrative actions against foreigners who are in the territory of Indonesia who carry out dangerous activities and are reasonably suspected of endangering security and public order or not respecting or not obeying laws and regulations.

“In addition to this, the foreigner is suspected of carrying out business activities through the sale of e-books and charge for Bali tourism consultations. For this reason, she may be subject to sanctions in accordance with Article 122 letter a of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration which reads:
Every foreigner who deliberately misuses or carries out activities that are not in accordance with the intent and purpose of the residence permit granted to him or her,” he explained.

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His party urged all foreign citizens to comply with the health protocol and follow the correct procedures for obtaining visas and while in Indonesia. (MBP)


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