Governor Koster Called Bali Not Eligible To Reopen Tourism

 Governor Koster Called Bali Not Eligible To Reopen Tourism


The development of Covid-19 case in Bali Province is still very dynamic. With the case of local transmission still quite high in several regions such as Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Klungkung, so in terms of health, Bali is indeed not feasible to implement health protocols in the context of tourism. It was confirmed by Bali Governor Wayan Koster when delivering a statement after a meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy on Wednesday (June 17) in Gianyar.

However, Governor Koster claimed to have had a plan. If the situation is conducive, on July 9, new activities will begin to open for Bali, especially some sectors except education and tourism. Specifically for education, this sector is still awaiting policy from the Ministry of Education and Culture. “For tourism, we are still waiting for the situation and development,” he said.

Furthermore Koster said that if phase 1 on July 9 the situation is conducive, it will move on to the next stage of opening for domestic tourists in August. If this plan works, stage 3 will continue for foreign tourists in September. “This is just a plan. The implementation depends on the development and situation of Covid-19 in Bali. For tourism, it must be done cautiously. Do not let a second wave of pandemic in Bali occur. Because this is very hard to deal with,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio said, the most important thing when it was opened on July 9 for some sectors, all must be carried out properly and discipline. When entering stage 1, it will be reviewed, although overall the spread of Covid-19 in Bali is relatively lower compared to other regions. However, what must be built is the trust of tourists. Because the tourism business is a business of trust.

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“We have to create a sense of security and comfort when tourists go to Bali. We will enter the second stage after stage one is successfully implemented,” he said.

For information, a number of areas in Bali have prepared themselves to reopen tourism in new normal phase. For example, Badung has prepared a number of protocols for the tourism industry in the new normal era. As stated by Deputy Regent of Badung I Ketut Suiasa on Tuesday (June 16), his party has compiled health regulations and protocols that must be implemented or become a standard of stakeholders in running and developing tourism in the new normal or which is also termed a new lifestyle. (MBP1)


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