The Minister of Employment’s Decree Regarding The Temporary Suspension of The Placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers Should Be Reviewed

 The Minister of Employment’s Decree Regarding The Temporary Suspension of The Placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers Should Be Reviewed


The government is expected to open a faucet for sending Indonesian migrant workers (PMI).  This is because there is a cruise ship company operating in new normal. It was stated by Secretary General of The Indonesian Seafarers Union – Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) I Dewa Nyoman Budiasa, Thursday (June 25).

Budiasa revealed, a cruise ship company from Italy was back in operation. The company is opening vacancies for around 300 Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from Bali for crew change who currently on duty. “We have already received a request from the company,” he explained.

His party really hopes to follow up on the request. But unfortunately, his party still constrained with regulations namely the Minister of Employment Decree number 151 of 2020 concerning the temporary suspension of the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers which took effect on March 20, 2020.

He explained that since the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesian Migrant Workers lost their jobs.  From the data of The Indonesian Seafarers Union (KPI), as of May 31, 2020, as many as 17,800 more or 90 percent of Indonesian Migrant Workers from Bali have returned to the island. Because they did not have a job, most of them experienced economic difficulties.

He understood the Minister of Employment decree regarding the temporary suspension of Indonesian Migrant Workers placement aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19. However, it is also necessary to consider the readiness of Indonesian Migrant Workers in facing new normal.  Because, if the offer from the cruise ship company is not taken, then this opportunity will be seized by workers from other countries such as the Philippines, India, and even countries in Europe.

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 “So, we hope there is a review of the decree, or there is an exception treatment for sailors, so that they can return to work, of course by implementing health protocols,” he said. (MBP1)


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