Two Belarusian Nationals Deported To Their Country

 Two Belarusian Nationals Deported To Their Country


A total of two Belarusian citizens were deported to their country, Tuesday (January 26). From the information received, this deportation was carried out because the two foreigners was indicated to have produced, promoted and marketed natural products, such as soap, shampoo, tooth powder around Amed, Karangasem.

According to the Head of the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Jamaruli Manihuruk, the two Belarusian citizens, Siarhei Bautrukevich and Volha Kobets, were subject to administrative measures for Immigration Deportation. Because according to Jamaruli, they have committed immigration violations in accordance with Article 75 paragraph (1) of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. “The two Belarusian citizens returned to their countries along with their two sons, aged 4 and 1,” he said in a press statement, Wednesday (January 27).

Furthermore, he said, Intelligence and Immigration Enforcement Section team of Singaraja’s Immigration Checkpoints of Immigration Office Class II conducted supervision of departures and deportations through Soekarno Hatta International Airport. They were flown on Turkish Airlines TK-57 (Jakarta-Istanbul) with the final destination of Minsk, Belarus, Tuesday (January 26) at 21.40 West Indonesia Time.

For information, this action taken originated from public complaints. Volha Kobets, assisted by her husband, Siarhei Bautrukevich, is indicated to have produced, promoted and marketed natural products such as soap, shampoo, tooth powder around Amed, Karangasem. The two people are subject to an Administrative Action for Deportation Immigration. The implementation of departure monitoring is carried out by implementing a health protocol. Activities run safely, orderly, and smoothly. It is hoped that this immigration administrative action will serve as a concrete form of immigration law enforcement in the working area of ​​Singaraja’s Immigration Checkpoints of Immigration Office Class II (MBP1)

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