After Experiencing The Highest Daily Case, Today There Are No New Confirmed COVID-19 cases

 After Experiencing The Highest Daily Case, Today There Are No New Confirmed COVID-19 cases

Sekretaris Daerah Dewa Made Indra.


On Wednesday, April 29, Bali Provincial Secretary Dewa Made Indra as the Daily Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 delivered good news. He said that there were no additional positive cases of Covid-19, the number remained the same as the previous day which was 215 people.

Another good news, said Dewa Indra, there were 8 Covid-19 patients who were confirmed recovered, so that the cumulative number of patients who had recovered had reached 96 people. “All 8 recovered patients consist of 1 foreigner and 7 Indonesian citizens, namely 3 Indonesia Migrant Workers and 4 Non-Indonesian Migrant Workers,” he said when giving a statement.

His party stressed that by continuing to increase the number of patients who recovered, it certainly adds to the belief that this disease can be cured if diciplinely undergoing treatment both in quarantine and in hospitals. Dewa Indra also asked the public to remain disciplined in complying the government’s call to prevent the spread of Covid-19 through simple methods. Like wearing a mask when doing activities outside the home, washing hands with soap in the running water, avoiding crowds and staying disciplined to keep a distance when interacting with others.

This simple thing, he said, needs to be done because this virus has the potential to be transmitted through close interaction. “One or two people who are undisciplined, will transmit the virus to others. Such as the addition of 13 cases in Bangli and Karangasem which were announced the previous day, caused by the indiscipline of 2 people,” he said.

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He further said that until Wednesday there were also no additions for the death toll, so the number remained 4 people. While the number of positive patients in treatment or active cases was 115 people in 10 hospitals.


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