There Are Still Many Tourists Ignore Physical Distancing And Rules For Wearing A Mask

 There Are Still Many Tourists Ignore Physical Distancing And Rules For Wearing A Mask


Not all people are aware of the dangers of Covid-19, including its prevention.  Even though the government has been aggressively issuing appeals to binding policies.

As occurred in the Badung Regency, both the Bali Provincial Government and the Badung Regency Government have issued regulations regarding operational restrictions on businesses in order to avoid crowds in anticipation of the potential transmission of Covid-19.  But the fact is, there are still many people who violate it.

When the Gotong Royong Covid-19 Mitigation Task Force of Kuta Customary Village held an area monitoring on Monday, April 20, they found there are still many restaurants that provide seating and tables for consumers. Ironically, consumers who are mostly tourists do not wear masks.

Head of Kuta Customary Village Wayan Wasista admitted that there are still many restaurants that are open until the evening. In fact, many customers deliberately gather there. He said that he really regretted this condition. All levels of society should have supported the efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by complying with the government’s call.

So far, his party has not imposed customary sanctions on violators, because it is the authority of the government through Police Civil Service Unit (Satpol PP).  Business location permits are also issued by related agencies in the government. However, the Kuta Customary Village will still deploy its security officers to tighten regional surveillance.  It will also coordinate with the Satpol PP if action is needed. (MBP1)

See also  Tambahan 14 Positif Covid-19 di Bali Akibat Imported Case dan Transmisi Local


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